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Website control panel ( cpanel )

Website control panel ( cpanel ) It is a site control panel that contains all the features that help you manage the hosting. One of the most important features of the cPanel control panel is the support of the Arabic language. And ease of dealing with it, so it is preferred by many site owners and managers. In addition to the original features of any control panel, such as uploading your site files through the file manager, knowing all the details about the data transfer rate - traffic and space used, as well as adding and deleting additional sub-domains and domains that are directed, setting up email accounts and managing databases. The site control panel (cpanel) contains several tools and features, the most important of which are: Mail tools to manage your site's mail File management tools such as backups and FTP file transfer protocols. Domains and Domains Tools for managing additional and sub-domains, and more Protection and security tools, for example, to protect a directory or folder on your site and put a password on it. Other tools Most of these tools will be explained in parts. Also, the cPanel control panel is a non-free control panel and its cost is high, and it is paid monthly or annually by the hosting company that you deal with.

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