Special Programming

Special programming works to establish a distinguished site, where the Internet has become the largest means of communicating with others, especially with regard to the field of business. In many cases, the customer has a certain idea to create his site so that the idea meets the desired goal of his facility or the nature of his work. And some ideas need to do special programming to meet the requirements of the site and the purpose of its creation. We at Hayat Host have a software team fully prepared to meet all the software required by the client in the best way as we use multiple programming languages. Especially php, which is the most widely used language in software applications. In addition to the elaborate coding process. And we seek by all available means and techniques to provide the site in the best way that the customer aspires to.


What distinguishes our software

البرمجة الخاصة

We do not use ready software

التطوير فى المستقبل

Future Development

سهولة الإستخدام​

Easy To Use

خالية من الثغرات

gap free

الأمان والحماية

Security & safe

سرعة التصفح

Fast Browsing

The Way Of Work

The required data and idea are taken by the beginning customer.

Our team studies the project thoroughly and discusses the client in the smallest details of the programming so that we can reach the exact desired together.

The appropriate programming language for the work is selected and the database system to be used is determined.

After completing the agreement on the possibility of completion, the work is started and the client is provided with what has been accomplished stage after stage.

As a first stage, the client’s ideas for the required design for the site are adequately taken to be worked on by our design team.

After the design is completed, it is initially presented to the client to take his comments or any modifications required to be worked on.

Then we move to the stage of coding the design and programming the site.

After completing the installation of the site software, we install the design on it so that it appears in the final form.

The software is tested before it is delivered to the customer to ensure that it works in the best way.

After informing the customer of it, it will be installed on his site and the customer will be given a deadline to try it out and give us any notes he finds so that we can remedy them.

The site is followed up with the customer after it is handed over for a month to rectify any notice provided by the customer.

After that, the work file is closed and the site is finally delivered.

Are you ready to start your website?

البرمجة الخاصة

Increase the number of your customers and sales, provide a channel for direct communication and marketing that provides real value to your customers, get ahead of your competitors and increase the loyalty of your customers, by implementing your idea of programming with the best performance and smart solutions...

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